Today I boarded the early flight from Richmond VA to Denver for the first leg of my trip to Grand Forks, BC. I was overpacked, of course, since I plan to do some hiking, biking, and astronomy during my 5 weeks in Grand Forks. At the last minute, I discovered that my duffle bag was over the size limit for United, so I had to transfer its contents to a smaller duffle. (My son’s camping supplies are now badly stuffed into my big duffle. Thanks, Eric!) Missing from the new duffle are my telescope tripod and my backpacking tent. Julie got me to the airport in plenty of time, and I made it through security smoothly. My flight to Denver was fine except for the cloud cover, making my window seat largely redundant. In Denver I only had to go across the concourse from where I had just deplaned to reach my departure gate. Quite handy. My flight to Calgary was very nice. I had a nice chat with the girl sitting next to me, who was headed to the area around Ba...
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